Sunday, 26 February 2017

Top 10 Hollywood action films

Top 10 Hollywood action films

There are many good films and Hollywood makes some good films, the action genre is possibly the hardest genre to make because while people think the genre is mindless for the explosions and the fight sequences the people who work on action films put countless hours of time and maximum effort to make sure that the final product is best that it can be. The action film can be done with the results being poor, but this list will focus on the action films which are excellent examples within the genre. For this list each film will be judged on the acting, characters, narrative, direction and the action sequences with in the films, and for this list if there will only be one entry per franchise. This list will exclude the superhero films because they deserve to have a list of their own and that list will be published on the blog in the next couple of days.

10. The Matrix

The Matrix might be a very predictable entry to have on this list, The Matrix is an excellent example of an action film. The action sequences are brilliant because of many different reasons, the editing is excellent making the action very easy to follow and alongside excellent camerawork there are some excellent action sequences like the ending fight between Neo and agent Smith. This final action sequence is great with some tight choreography and some excellent camerawork which shows that directors understood how to make the action look excellent onscreen. The narrative is something which is quite complex and therefore it keeps your attention, and this is something which a great action film does, the narrative brings up interesting themes and concepts which will keep you entertained for the runtime. The reason why this film is quite high on this list because while the film explores excellent philosophy and concepts the characters aren’t developed as much as they could be and this is because the film focuses more on the real world and the matrix itself and not on the characters and developing the characters and this is what the film suffers from the most.  

9. Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation

Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation is the fifth installment in the Mission Impossible series and the filmmakers have managed to make this film the best entry in the franchise so far. The action sequences are some of the best in the series, the first sequence is incredible with Tom Cruise on the side of an aeroplane. The other action sequences have a level of intensity that has not been shown in other action films. The action is great in this film, but alongside the action sequences the narrative is strong to carry this two-hour film. The direction from Christopher McQuarrie is solid, he understands how to put an action film together and understands how to put the action together. The reason that this film is at the number nine on this list is because there is little development from the minor characters and the villain which is probably means that the villain will be in the sequel. The film could have more development from the minor characters and this is why the film is high on this list for that reason.

8. John Wick

John Wick is another entry from Keanu Reeves who knows how to make an entertaining action film and this is film which has excellent action with some excellent gun work and hand-to-hand combat sequences that this film keeps you entertained for the entire runtime of the film. This film has some great acting from Keanu Reeves and this film is driven by the emotions of the main character. The direction is excellent for a directional debut with the director understanding how to shoot and edit the action sequence together. The characters are well established in this film and the character of John Wick is excellent. John Wick is an excellent example of an action film; this is a film that deserves eighth place on this list. The film has some good action but there are issues with this film that prevent the film from being placed higher on the list, and this is strong film but those small issues that were discussed in the review article and hopefully the sequel is just as good as this film.

7. Die Hard

Die Hard is a film which might be cliché to put on this list, the reason that this film gets so much praise is because the film is excellent from start to finish. The action is good but not as solid compared to the previous entries on this list. The reason why this film is a better action film than the other films is because of the narrative and themes alongside the direction. The narrative is excellent because the film is about the isolation of the main protagonist and that he is forced into action when the terrorists. The main character is excellent in the way that the character is written and the performance from Bruce Willis. However, the best character in this film is Hans Gruber played by the late Alan Rickman, he is an example of an excellent villain with clear motivations and some excellent interactions between the characters. John McTiernan is someone who can direct action and makes the action sequences easy to follow. This is an excellent example of how the action film should be made and this is the standard bearer for all the current action films, the action genre wouldn’t be where it is today without this film and it as simple as that and while there were action films before this one, this is the film which changed genre.

6. Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road was released in 2015 and a return of the franchise since the last entry and this film saw George Miller return to direct with a new cast. This is a film which has some excellent action sequences and the action never stops and the action always keeps the audiences entertained and this is because of the action and how it is edited together. The stunt work is excellent and is such a high standard of what can be done when effort is put into action sequences. Mad Max: Fury Road is a return to form to the action films which were released in 80’s and 90’s. However, the film has a narrative which is the weakest element to this film and there is not much other than Max and Furiosa try to get a bunch of female characters away from an evil dictator and this is the plot. The film mainly focuses on the action and the stunt work, and this is something which refers back to the films from the 80’s and 90’s, this is a film which people should watch because of the excellent quality of the action sequences.   

5. Minority Report

This is an underrated film; this is a film which is directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Tom Cruise. This is a film which nobody talks about, it never gets any attention but this is one of the best films that Spielberg has ever made and also one of the best films that Tom Cruise has ever starred in. This film has everything, from the futuristic world which has been lived in and used to some excellent action set pieces which use some clever techniques. There are many things to like about this film, the cinematography is excellent with some excellent visuals. The narrative is strong, the future is has found a way to prevented crime by uses people who can predict the future, the main character finds out that a minority of people have what is called a minority report and when the main character is told that he is going to kill someone he must go on the run to find out if he has a minority report. The characters are well written with the main protagonist having flaws and he has this humanity that allows us to sympathise with the character. This is an excellent film, and next week on this blog there will be a review of this film were the review will look at this film in detail. 

4. The Bourne Ultimatum

Critics will probably disagree with this choice but The Bourne Ultimatum is the best Bourne film to have been released and this is because of several different reasons. This film has fantastic action sequences and the hand-to-hand combat sequence is amazing because of the camerawork and the editing. The Bourne films are the only films that can use the shaky camera technique effectively, and this is because of the directing from English director Paul Greengrass and he understands how to use shaky cam in a unique method and this means that the action is directed very well and this is the best action film to have been released within the last decade. The acting is excellent from all of the cast and this is because everything is communicated through physical emotive language and facial expressions and this is a physical form of acting which not many action films do in the current era of the action films.

3. Aliens

Aliens is the sequel to the classic horror film Alien, this film was directed by James Cameron who has been responsible for the first-two Terminator films and has gone on to direct other films. Aliens is more of an action film compared to the original, the action has been well directed and there are some memberable moments in the action sequences. There are many other things to like about this film such as it is well directed, and the special effects are excellent and they have held up very well compared to other films from this time period. This film has some issues with pacing but other than this the film is an example of what an action science fiction should be like. This film is very good, this filmed increased the stakes of the original film but the film stands on its own as separate entry into the franchise and this is what a sequel should do when it is released.  

2. Raiders of the Lost Arc

Raiders of the Lost Arc is the second film directed by Steven Spielberg and this film Spielberg teams up with Harrison Ford. Raiders of the Lost Arc is the first film in the Indiana Jones franchise. This is a film which is near perfect and if it wasn’t for the number one entry beginning released this film would be number one. Raiders of the Lost Arc is an action adventure film which has done everything excellent this is when filmmakers are given total control. Considering Spielberg doesn’t often make action films, Spielberg knows how to make an entertaining action film and knows how to direct action. Harrison Ford is excellent as the main character Indiana Jones and he knows how to act and also perform a stunt and this can be seen in the film. Raiders of the Lost Arc is an excellent example of a film and it comes into second place on this list, and this would mean that we got another three Indiana Jones films.

1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

This is the top choice on this list, Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released in 1991 and directed by James Cameron and saw the return of Arnold Schwenegger and Linda Hamilton. The first film is quite limited by the technology of time, the second film had more in every aspect. The special effects are much better than the original and the narrative shows the character arc of Sarah Connor from the character in the first film, and in this film she becomes a character who is hardened. Everything about Terminator 2: Judgement Day is excellent, the film has brilliant acting, directing and the action sequences are well shot and well-choreographed action sequence. However, the best thing about this film would be the script because of how the characters have been written. The arc that Sarah Connor and also the T-800 played by Arnold Schwenegger, the character has been written to have flaws and this is because the character has to listen to John Connor. However, the T-1000 is not restricted by John Connor and this is something which is very interesting about this film. This film is excellent and is the closest film to being perfect and this is why the film is the at the top of this list because it is the best action film that has ever been made and it will stay at the top of this list for a long time.

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